OSat is a virtual organization designed in such a way that sharing projects, ideas, circuits, codes to hobbyist and junior or senior engineers in need is made easy. As any organization, we offer facilities and services such as:
Assistance and conception of circuits designs using Eagle CAD, Testimonial.
Assistance to final year students for their minor and Major Projects

PIC Projects sample:
>>Note: If you are working with our Development board ( OSat Board version 6.10 ) Remember to select PIC 16F877A and 20MHz<< .
1. mikroC compiler for PIC MCU
Let give step by step a creation of a project using mikroC compiler for PIC.
2. Blinking LED using a PIC16F877A micro-controller:
Blinking an LED using a micro-controller is one of importants step when for the first time a user decides to work with an 8-Bit PIC micro-controller. We will directly practice the blinking on our board ( OSat Board version 6.10 ) but in case you do not have the board the circuit and code is given.
3. Push Button interface with PIC16F877A micro-controller:
Push button project is an easy but very important step in learning of micro-controllers. In this project we will simply show how to interface a push button with an 8 bit PIC MCU.
4. 7 segment Display Multiplexed using PIC16F877A:
A seven segment is one of the low cost electronic component used to display characters and number from 0 to 9 and for characters such as A,B,C,D,E and F. We will basically show how to multiplex 4 seven segments using our micro-controller PIC.
5. LCD Display Module using PIC16F877A:
LCD Display is one of the best module used in many embedded system, used to display output from controller chip or any other technique. comparing to the 7 segment display explained a bit far in our tutorial and projects, LCD Display may display a very large of characters but in case of a 7 segment display it can display only hexadecimal characters ex: 0 to 9 and A to F. There is various of display used in electronics.
6. LM35 Temperature sensor Interface with PIC16F877A:
The LM35 is basically a temperature sensor chip which can sense the temperature varying between -55 to 150 degree, for more information check its datasheet . It has three pin (VDD, GND, OUTPUT); the sensor sense the temperature then return the equivalent temperature in form of an analog signal, with the help of ADC (Analog to Digital Converter Module) we convert and find the corresponding temperature. Read More Here
7. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor Interface with PIC16F877A:
There is lots of ways of measuring a distance between two points, here is one using an Ultrasonic module interfacing with an 8 bit PIC MCU.
8. GSM900 Module send and initiate a call using PIC16F877A:
GSM900 Module is a device operating mainly as a cell phone where able to initiate a call, sending SMS, Accessing internet etc.., Read more Here
<Check more projects Here... >
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1. mikroC Compiler Installation and First Project:
See how to Install mikroC Compiler for PIC and create your first project. watch Here
2. Quick Start with MPLAB IDE and XC8 compiler for 8-bit micro-controllers:
MPLAB IDE software is a product designed by microchip Technology, this software maybe downloaded for free separately with any compiler of your choice depending of which categories of micro-controller you are going to program (XC8 -16- 32 Series). in this video we will basically show how to install and integrate XC8 compiler to MPLAB IDE, watch Here
CH340G USB to Serial
USB Mini connector
Voltage Regulator (5 and 3.3 Volt)
Test LED
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Agreement for Workshop & Seminar:
You will probably need this agreement while you want use to give a workshop or seminar, so for that you need to download the file read, sign then send us the scanne of the document if you are at a remote place otherwise you can post it.
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