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PIC MCU's Projects is dedicated to all our user, and if you are not you can become in just few steps:

  1. Have any working  e-mail ID

  2. Register or create an account as a new user  if your are not 

  3. Subscribe to our youtube channel t be updated of new tutorials Projects and videos


Les Projets PIC MCU sont dediés uniquement a nos utilisateurs, et la creation d'un compte ce fait en 3 steps simple:

  1. Posséder un  e-mail ID valide

  2. Créée un nouveau compte si ce pas encore fait

  3. Abonnez vous a notre chaîne YouTube pour resté informé.



OSat version 6.10:

                 This is our recent Low cost circuit board allowing PIC micro-controller lovers to learn fast with a low cost Board which can be fitted on a breadboard and start instantaneously testing your project. See more Here !


                  We also designed a testing software by which you will basically use to communicate serially with our board or any other devices.. It basically offers lots of benefit such as you can use this software to send ATs command to a GSM module, Bluetooth module and so on .. but apart of these points the code of this software maybe downloaded for free here and modify but with just a simple requirement do not forget to mention the name of designer and its source by sending an e-mail Here. Please we will kept in updating this software to improve the functionalities.

Download the testing code Here


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