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mikroC compiler for PIC Projects:

              We are pleased to tell you that most of Projects presented here has been test before we post them here also with the help of our circuit (Development board, shield and other Printed circuit Board ) we test the code and the functionning of the project. In case a user or any other person want to propose a project, then what He (She) will need to write to us then the process will be done after the project is verified; In case He (she) is not able to write his (her) project in both languages the our team will work on it.


       22. IoT - Put your Temperature data over internet using ESP8266 Wifi module and OSat board ( PIC16F877A ) :

In this Project we are going to use a Temperature sensor module ( LM35 ); where its output pin is connected to one analog pin of the PIC16F877A MCU mounted on OSat board, the analog value from the sensor's output pin will be converted and get the corresponding temperature, then after this operation the data will be sent through the Network via the Wifi module.

       21. IoT - Control LEDs Connected to OSat board ( PIC16F877A ) through LAN using ESP8266 Wifi module :

 After learning how to send ATs command to Wifi module using OSat board, in this project we will basically see a simple piece of code that I used to control LEDs over a Network (LAN) by using any browser such as Mozilla, Google Crome etc...

       20. IoT - Connect your OSat Board to Internet Via ESP8266 WIFI Module:

ESP8266 Module is one innovative Board used now days for making Internet of things project, It has a huge capability to work as client or as a server. This Wifi module use for making IoT project is basically one of the preferred because of its easy way of interfacing. In this project will basically show how to interface the board with the Wifi module the connect to a local wifi router for example.   

       19. Control of LEDs Using HC-05 Bluetooth module:

This project shows how with a bluetooth module (HC-05) we can control LEDs connected to a MCU, A PIC16F877A is used to control LEDs, in this we can resume this project as an application installed on a smart phone sending string when a button is pressed then to the hardware circuit part is that the serial terminal of the MCU is directly connected to the bluetooth module to receive the strings, after receiving a string the MCU will basically traites the string then decide which LED should be ON or OFF.

       18. GSM Module read SMS:

This project uses a GSM-900 module, PIC16F877A MCU and LCD Display, the main process which is performed in this project is reading SMS saved in the memory of the module using AT Commands sent from a micro-controller PIC then display the message to a display module. 

       17. Master and Slave mode USART Communication using PIC MCU:

UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) uses two line to interface with other device externally with respect to a common ground, master and slave mode is simple a demonstration of how two PICs may communicate using UART module where one will act as a slave and another as master. read more... 

       16. Servo Motor SG90 Control angle using a Potentiometer:

Angle of rotation of a servo motor is controller using a potentiometer, PWM is a perfect signal needed as an input signal to servo motor's  

       15. How to generate a PWM wave using mikroC Compiler for PIC:

PWM (pulse width modulation) is very important in applications such speed control of DC motor, Servo motor's input signal for controlling angle of rotation. 

       14.  DC Motor interface with PIC16F877A 

In this instructable we will show how to interface DC motor with PIC16F877A micro-controller

       13. Automatic detection Obstacle Using GSM900 and Ultrasonic sensor module:

This  Project uses three main components, Ultrasonic sensor, GSM module and OSat board using a PIC16F877A micro-controller. The main principle of this project is a ultrasonic sensor detect an object then send an SMS to a phone number using GSM900 module.

       12. PIC16F877A MCU Interface with DC motor:

Control of a DC motor via

       11. Control of DC Motor via Serial communication:

Control of DC motor through serail port communication. This project show how a DC motor may be controlled by sending command (strings) through a serial communication of a PC or Desktop.  

       10. RGB LED Interface with PIC16F877A micro-controller:

By combining the three colors RGB (Red Green Blue) we are able to find different possible colors such as Pink, yellow etc...  

       9. Serial communication display Temperature using LM35 Interface with PIC16F877A:

We design an application using dot net which display the temperature receive from the serial port from a micro-controller PIC.

       8. Ultrasonic range meter interface with PIC16F877A display the range through Desktop app via Serial communication:

This project is about designing a desktop application which recieves characteres from a serial port then display the result which is here the range.

       7. GSM900 Module send and initiate a call using PIC16F877A:

GSM900 Module is a device operating mainly as a cell phone where able to initiate a call, sending SMS, Accessing internet etc.., Read more Here

       6.  HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor Interface with PIC16F877A:

There is lots of ways of measuring a distance between two points, here is one using an Ultrasonic module interfacing with an 8 bit PIC MCU. 

       5.  LM35 Temperature sensor Interface with PIC16F877A:

The LM35 is basically a temperature sensor chip which can sense the temperature varying between -55 to 150 degree, for more information check its datasheet . It has three pin (VDD, GND, OUTPUT); the sensor sense the temperature then return the equivalent temperature in form of an analog signal, with the help of ADC (Analog to Digital Converter Module) we convert and find the corresponding temperature. Read More Here

       4.  LCD Display Module using PIC16F877A:

LCD Display is one of the best module used in many embedded system, used to display output from controller chip or any other technique. comparing to the 7 segment display explained a bit far in our tutorial and projects, LCD Display may display a very large of characters but in case of a 7 segment display it can display only hexadecimal characters ex: 0 to 9 and A to F. There is various of display used in electronics.

       3.  7 segment Display Multiplexed using PIC16F877A:

A seven segment is one of the low cost electronic component used to display characters and number from 0 to 9 and for characters such as A,B,C,D,E and F. We will basically  show how to multiplex  4 seven segments using our micro-controller PIC.

       2.  Push Button interface with PIC16F877A micro-controller:

Push button project is an easy but very important step in learning of micro-controllers. In this project we will simply show how to interface a push button with an 8 bit PIC MCU.

       1.  Blinking LED using a PIC16F877A micro-controller:

Blinking an LED using a micro-controller is one of importants step when for the first time a user decides to work with an 8-Bit  PIC micro-controller. We will directly practice the blinking on our board ( OSat Board version 6.10 ) but in case you do not have the board the circuit  and code is given.

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