OSat works as an Independent platform that survives thanks to the services it provides to different customers and users. However we cannot excel without your precious assistance. Since July 2016, as any other student in the world dreams of making life better after his college degree, Bernice Zuiya M. had one reason to believe in his dream and that reason is why you are reading this paragraph.
Bernice Zuiya M. "At the beginning it was just about making circuits and having fun with them, In my final year as a Bachelor of technology’ student(B - Tech) I thought that I could be more helpful by assisting other people who want to learn new things and render services to others. Not only that, back home in the Democratic Republic of Congo it very difficult to find engineers who are specialized in electronics, mechatronics or any other stream dealing with electronics and embedded systems. And for this reason I dedicate this website to all Congolese students and all others students around the world.
If you have ever tried starting something of the kind on your own, then you probably know how hard and painful it can be. We stand for the betterment of humanity and technology because we believe that you are the change we need. You are tomorrow’s leader.
This is however very challenging because as a young organization we do not have the necessary financial and material resources for the successful completion of our projects. For this reason we encourage you to support the growth of Osat through any possible means. Your Donations, comments, suggestions and advice for improvement are most welcome.
Feel free to email us at: zuiya.mambula@gmail.com
Becoming a partner is one of the best things you can do to see this organization proper.
Our Partners:

Be the next partner by sending your requests to osat127@gmail.com.