L293D IC ( H-Bridge for DC motor)
By Bernice Zuiya
L293D IC is an important integrated circuit used in control of Relay solenoids, DC and stepper Motor. where containing two H-bridge circuit and a separate input supply. This comes in two different package:
2. SMD package.
In this project we will give some basic information of this IC such as how it operates and its features. The image below at the left side is how the trough-hole L293D IC looks like and right side we are showing different pin and their functionalities. Please for more information download its datasheet because here we will give only the main functions and features.
In case you wish to interface this IC directly with a micro-controller without adding an auxiliary integrated circuit such as LM2803 IC, you will basically need to use some pull-down or up resistor connected to each input control pin (1A, 2A, 3A and 4A) as shown in the circuit diagram below.
The first motor can be controlled only if the 1st pin of the IC is high (Enable pin) and the direction of rotation depend to the state of pin (2 and 7), for the second motor also the principle doesn't changed, first you need to enable by putting the 9th pin high the control the rotation from (10 and 15 pin).
Note: Do not miss to add those pull-down or up resistance !

This circuit has been tested with DC motors.
Circuit Diagram

Pins with their Functionalities:
1st and 9th (1-2EN & 3-4EN) : if 1st is high it enables driver channels (1 and 2) and if 9th is high it enables driver channels (3 and 4).
2nd and 7th (1A & 2A I/P Pin from a controller or switch): from these two pin you can decide the direction of rotation; used for the First motor.
3rd and 6th (1Y & 2Y) : These two pins are directly connected to the two DC motor's terminal of MOTOR1
4th and 5th : These two pins are grounded
8th is connected to a positive supply: +12
16th is connected to a 5 Volt.
10th and 15th (3A & 4A): from these two pin you can decide the direction of rotation; used for the second motor.
11rd and 14th (3Y & 4Y) : These two pins are directly connected to the two DC motor's terminal of MOTOR2
12th and 13th : These two pins are grounded

Proteus software
L293D Working circuit example
Thank you !!!